Monday 20 May 2013

i'm off!

thanks so much for the support everyone.  away i go.  
i'll stop for a bit in Guangzhou, and then carry on.

please send me good vibes.  i'll be in touch as best i can...internet might be sketchy.
so long!

Friday 1 March 2013

Retreat 2013

just getting home from Germany, and it was a huge success!
almost 300 kids from 5 different bases joined us for a 4-day winter festival of bigtime games, meals, sports, and teaching sessions.  here's some highlights:

Row 1:  my actors performing one of our 5 Hobbit-themed sketches on the subject of taking a new journey.  (i was pressed into service and got to wear the SpongeBob costume)

Row 2:  pictures of one of my brother Rob's big event games...this one involving 4 color-coded teams squaring off in a Middle Earth version of capture the flag, complete with She-Lob's lair.

Row 3:
 1) my brother Rob, helping in a skit as GandRob the Grey,
 2) kids being led by an amazing band of local high school musicians.  and
 3) me with my amazing cast: college youth work students assigned to assist me for the weekend...they learned lines and rehearsed tirelessly so we could put a good-quality sketch on stage for each of the 5 main sessions, in tune with the message from that particular session.  The kickoff always gives a little leeway for more fun, and included life-saving guest appearances by Batman, SpongeBob, Han Solo and One Direction Guy.  From left:  Nathaniel, Michael, Gin, me, Shaun, Jenessa (the camp director) and Julia.  (not pictured is the equally-talented Connor Durr)


To the right:  actor, chauffeur, go-fer, costume and prop designer EXTRAORDINAIRE, and all around woman of action Gin Hill stands beside some of the potato chips donated for the weekend.  The retreat relies heavily on the goodwill of the local community, and the community definitely was up to the task.  food was a highlight for sure.

what a pleasure to be involved, and to see kids not only beaming with joy from healthy fun, but also gaining understanding and becoming better people.  a ton of work, but it was a highly gratifying week.  Thanks to all of you for your generous support!  I couldn't have done it without you.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Good Start

        Got to the airport at 5 am, and was told i had no seat assigned (though i had my pre-printed ticket with me), and the plane was oversold, so there was a chance i would not be allowed on the plane.

       a few minutes later they called my name over the PA system, and at the counter they told me i'd been upgraded to Premium.  :)  So here's a picture of my seat at the front of the plane, with my complimentary pillow, blanket, and two pre-flight drinks.  :)  Great news!

(p.s. note the massive armrest...2 people can use it at once!)

In Heaven, the airport people at Minneapolis / St. Paul will be put in charge of the washrooms...look at this!  EVERY stall a handicapped stall.  THAT'S What I'm TALKING about!  The stalls are huge, with spaces to put your luggage.

the bathroom was spotless, the decor superb, the automatic soap dispenser actually put enough soap in my hands to get them really clean, and the drying options were like a boss.
                                                              Thank you Minneapolis.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Tim Hildebrand:  Trained Anti-Terrorism Aware-ist.

In a recent twist, i was requested to complete anti-terrorism awareness training at the behest of the U.S. Military, in anticipation of my upcoming trip to Germany to help with a youth retreat there.  i have completed the training, and received my certificate, above.
I am officially aware.  :)

Tim Hildebrand: saving the world, one online curriculum at a time.


i'm in between two vaccination appointments on Feb. 4 and 11, with a third to come in a month, as i get ready to depart for India in May.  above is the Saskatoon Travel Centre where they discuss your travel plans with you, and what vaccinations are mandatory and recommended.  left is the wonderful nurse tasked with the job of sticking me.  :)  

I got my first shots for hepatitis, typhoid, measles and mumps, japanese encephalitis, and rabies (you get vaccinated for rabies because its hard to find treatment for rabies where i'm going, and needles are recycled in rural clinics...and so can cause more problems than they solve) along with a prescription for Malaria pills.

                                                      My nurse was mortified when i asked her to pause with the needle in me as we took the pictures.  :)  what a pro she is...SO knowledgable of the subject matter, wonderful demeanor, and i almost didn't feel the needles go in and out at all.  the woman had game.  it's been 6 days since my first shots, and no adverse effects.  

Saturday 2 February 2013

February 2, 2013

it's been SO LONG since my last post, i'm terribly sorry!   i've been a busy man the past month and a half, travelling to Washington DC, then to the southern United States for auditions, and then to BC to act in a show at Western Canada Theatre.  But though my postings have been few, work on the mission trips has been ongoing.  i'm just 11 days away from leaving for Germany, the plane ticket is purchased, and preparations are underway.  In one sense it seems fitting to put the "unexpected journey" Hobbit picture here, since this missionary journey was completely unexpected just 1 year ago. But in truth, the picture is here because i am currently writing Middle Earth-themed comedy sketches for the chapel services at the youth retreat.  Skit #1 of 5 was just approved today, and i'm going to be scribbling hard the next few days!   My drama team will only have two day to practice together before going onstage.  amazing.

With funding updates and vaccination pictures all coming shortly, the posts are going to start popping up fast and furious now, so stay tuned!